Tuesday, December 21, 2010

i can physically feel my broken heart.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

two. (short)

So it's been a long time, friends.

Or rather.. friend? I have no idea who the hell reads this blog.
Probably no one, as I haven't written anything in like two months.

This is an incredibly short post... a brief update on my life, if you will.

1. I quit smoking. It's been 3 days. It's really hard. I'm doing it cold turkey. Happy Birthday A.
2. Men suck. No offense, but you do.
3. Retraction: MEN don't suck. The BOYFRIENDS of my friends suck. Not all.. but most. Sorry, but you do.
4. I have rediscovered my love for dried strawberries.


5. I think I've gained 3 pounds in the past 3 days. Please try not to laugh or to pinch my chubby cheeks when you see me.

On a grammatical note:
There is a difference between "by accident" and "on accident." I have to use the restroom, so please look it up yourself.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

plus one.

BRRRRRRRAINWAVE (if you read outloud, you have to ROLL your R* when you read that):
I actually googled "blue raspberry" (because I started to doubt myself and thought "maybe blue raspberries DO exist")

And here is what I got:


This one made me cringe: a fucking photoshopped picture of Raspberries put through a filter to make them blue.


This one made me gasp: OH MY GOD: I SAID THAT BLUE RASPBERRIES COULD BE BLUEBERRIES IN DISGUISE. And LOOK: fucking blueberries..!! (I later discovered that these are actually blue raspberry flavored gumballs. But the coincidence was really funny while it lasted.)

No more- another movie trailer is on television now.

*Interesting fact: I can not roll my Rs. Despite 11 years of Spanish and 1 year of living abroad in Italy.. still my tongue/Rs don't roll that way.

one. (officially)

Game 7 of the NBA finals are going on right now on channel 7. The Boston Celtics vs. the Los Angeles Lakers. I'm a little torn: I'm from Los Angeles, but I love Paul Pierce (what a teddy bear!). But, living in an apartment full of Lakers fans- both of whom are at least two feet taller than me, and and an incredibly close friend of mine who, though small in stature, could easily best me in a fight (with aggression/strength leftover from her mosh-pit concert days) .. I am compelled to root for the Lakers.

But I love the Lakers. Go Los Angeles!

While watching a commercial between the first and second quarters of Game 7, a commercial for Dunkin' Donuts came on. It was for their new flavors of Coolatas- Watermelon and Blue Raspberry.

Which got me thinking.. why BLUE raspberry? Has anyone ever SEEN a blue raspberry? Why is there a need to emphasize the color of the raspberry- which they got WRONG, by the way.. a raspberry is red. Pinkish-red. With seeds. And weird little furs.

No other fruit flavors get a color emphasis: green apple or black cherry may be an exception.
But let's argue this:
+Apples CAN be green.
-Raspberries can NEVER be blue. Unless they're blueberries in disguise.

+Cherries are not black: but they are SO dark red that they can LOOK black.
-If raspberries look blue, even REMOTELY blue, to you, then you are clearly fucking color blind. Or severely tripping on some kind of hallucinogen.

Okay, I keep getting distracted by the game or movie trailer commercials.

Until next time..

um.. yes.

(So I'm finished now. Much like in real life, where I have awful ways of ending my stories.. here it thus translates online. I have, and probably always will have, awful endings to posts. IN FACT: new game. With each post, I will end it differently. And awkwardly.)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

happy birthday dad. you're so young.

i write the way i talk

I've been anti-blog for a while now, so clearly you're thinking it's hypocritical for me to start one. True (embarrassingly enough)- but whatever, you're right, I'm denying nothing.
It's scary when you graduate from college; I just did that, almost two weeks ago. Without having a job, unsure with what you want to do in life, doubtful about whether you made the right decision to major in what you had majored in: it's fucking scary. And with this recession right now- hoo-wee (I love onomatopoeias, please get used to them... and yes, it took me like five tries to spell that word correctly, and I ended up just dictionary.com-ing it); it seems like having a BFA in fashion design maybe wasn't the most economically prudent decision.

But life goes on.. and about five late-night panic attacks later, I found myself having a rather calmer day than the others and I had decided to talk to my inGENIoUS (get it? GENIUS?) roommate, and told him that I like to write. He suggested I start a blog, and said enough afterwards to make me think that perhaps blogs aren't as pretentious as I thought they were (NOT that I think bloggers are pretentious- I have friends that blog; just the blogs themselves. Streams of consciousness.. blah blah blah). Anyway, this is besides the point.

He pointed out that it is a great way to get your writing out there. And that's what I love to do. Write. So all thanks to the sage wisdom of my stylish/classy/athletic/tall/sophisticated/honorable/intelligent/well-rounded/an-A+ of-a-guy roommate, here I am. Writing this.

Sometimes my posts will be a sentence. Not because I don't have things to write about/talk about/think about/say.. but it'll probably be because some days I'll just be too tired.. but REALLY it'll probably be because I'm a little lazy. Sometimes there will be pictures. Sometimes my posts will be long- like this one surprisingly is turning out to be. But I promise to try not to ramble.

**NOTE: my roommate did not ask me to describe him as complimentary as I did (and I might have gone a little overboard): I just am words-beyond-words incredibly grateful that he took time out of his busy schedule to talk to me and help me, when he absolutely did not have to. And please know, my other roommate is just as jaw-droppingly amazing as he is. They both are. Equally. I'm extraordinarily lucky.**

..and on that note, I lazily and hastily finish my first post.