Thursday, June 17, 2010

one. (officially)

Game 7 of the NBA finals are going on right now on channel 7. The Boston Celtics vs. the Los Angeles Lakers. I'm a little torn: I'm from Los Angeles, but I love Paul Pierce (what a teddy bear!). But, living in an apartment full of Lakers fans- both of whom are at least two feet taller than me, and and an incredibly close friend of mine who, though small in stature, could easily best me in a fight (with aggression/strength leftover from her mosh-pit concert days) .. I am compelled to root for the Lakers.

But I love the Lakers. Go Los Angeles!

While watching a commercial between the first and second quarters of Game 7, a commercial for Dunkin' Donuts came on. It was for their new flavors of Coolatas- Watermelon and Blue Raspberry.

Which got me thinking.. why BLUE raspberry? Has anyone ever SEEN a blue raspberry? Why is there a need to emphasize the color of the raspberry- which they got WRONG, by the way.. a raspberry is red. Pinkish-red. With seeds. And weird little furs.

No other fruit flavors get a color emphasis: green apple or black cherry may be an exception.
But let's argue this:
+Apples CAN be green.
-Raspberries can NEVER be blue. Unless they're blueberries in disguise.

+Cherries are not black: but they are SO dark red that they can LOOK black.
-If raspberries look blue, even REMOTELY blue, to you, then you are clearly fucking color blind. Or severely tripping on some kind of hallucinogen.

Okay, I keep getting distracted by the game or movie trailer commercials.

Until next time..

um.. yes.

(So I'm finished now. Much like in real life, where I have awful ways of ending my stories.. here it thus translates online. I have, and probably always will have, awful endings to posts. IN FACT: new game. With each post, I will end it differently. And awkwardly.)

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