Thursday, June 17, 2010

plus one.

BRRRRRRRAINWAVE (if you read outloud, you have to ROLL your R* when you read that):
I actually googled "blue raspberry" (because I started to doubt myself and thought "maybe blue raspberries DO exist")

And here is what I got:


This one made me cringe: a fucking photoshopped picture of Raspberries put through a filter to make them blue.


This one made me gasp: OH MY GOD: I SAID THAT BLUE RASPBERRIES COULD BE BLUEBERRIES IN DISGUISE. And LOOK: fucking blueberries..!! (I later discovered that these are actually blue raspberry flavored gumballs. But the coincidence was really funny while it lasted.)

No more- another movie trailer is on television now.

*Interesting fact: I can not roll my Rs. Despite 11 years of Spanish and 1 year of living abroad in Italy.. still my tongue/Rs don't roll that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mooooore posts please, moon