Tuesday, September 14, 2010

two. (short)

So it's been a long time, friends.

Or rather.. friend? I have no idea who the hell reads this blog.
Probably no one, as I haven't written anything in like two months.

This is an incredibly short post... a brief update on my life, if you will.

1. I quit smoking. It's been 3 days. It's really hard. I'm doing it cold turkey. Happy Birthday A.
2. Men suck. No offense, but you do.
3. Retraction: MEN don't suck. The BOYFRIENDS of my friends suck. Not all.. but most. Sorry, but you do.
4. I have rediscovered my love for dried strawberries.


5. I think I've gained 3 pounds in the past 3 days. Please try not to laugh or to pinch my chubby cheeks when you see me.

On a grammatical note:
There is a difference between "by accident" and "on accident." I have to use the restroom, so please look it up yourself.

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